Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday around town

Here is photo of my waffle house type place here. He cooks a good fried egg sandwich, which is a treat from mayo sandwiches.

Yesterday I was going to travel by shared taxi down to an island village of Djenne and from there on back to Bamako where I will meet Dan Milam.

I went to the Taxi stand early, I thought. I got there at 7:15 and bought my ticket. Now... shared taxis wait until they are full before they leave, and this taxi was a large one that would carry 9 maybe 10 of us, but here in Africa - it carries 18 passengers plus the driver.
The ticket seller told me we should depart by nine o'clock. I thought ooou - that's a long wait. However, after enduring a wind/dust storm followed by a heavy rain, and it being two o'clock in the afternoon, seven hours of waiting, I decided I had just as soon stay where I was!

It would be dark when and if we arrived in Djenne, and I did not want to do that.


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